Headphone News & New Album Recordings Underway

Sifting through the many items of note on the internet today, I found an article about the best headphones, and discovered that Shure is considered the best headphone maker of them all. You can read the article yourself — Best Headphones: 18 Brands Ranked.  Considering that I have three Shure SRH440 headphones here at the studio, I’m glad to hear it!

all the music, all the time

all the music, all the time


It’s been a while since I updated the website, but we have been working diligently here at Typewriter Studio!  We have two clients working on albums right now, and we hope to be able to show you the results in the next few months or so.  Lara Martin is working on her second album and her piano-based folk-pop songs are receiving a very orchestral arrangement here that is sounding exquisite.  Bryan Gauer is tracking his first album, although he has a huge back catalogue of songs to choose from, so it is exciting to be working with him to craft the best arrangements of his best tracks.

Making a solid album takes time, and we aim to be flexible and work with everyone’s schedule to make a solid and beautiful piece of art without rushing the process, but still using the time efficiently.  These albums are already coming together and sounding great, and I can’t wait to get all the parts down and begin working on the mixes!

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Filed under albums, bryan gauer, gear, lara martin, recording, studio

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